December 13th 2024
Hello and welcome to my website!
After almost a month of it being just a single page with a link to my YouTube channel, I finally took the time to code a somewhat decent site.
I had webdesign and coding courses during my studies so I could have made something more "modern" looking, but I just like ugly designs and so I decided to make it like this.
I'm not going to repeat everything I wrote in the About page, but basically this is mainly just a site to share the music I write, so I hope you'll enjoy it.
The site is not 100% done as of now, here's what remains to be done:
- Add some animations: for example stuff like links in the header or in the footer don't really do anything when you hover over them, just little details like that that I think would be nice.
- Responsive design: if you're on mobile right now you may have noticed that it's a bit broken in some places. But PC is superior anyway.
- Actually work on my music to have content: That's the hardest one.
I'll keep the blog updated with changes on the site.
Enjoy your visit!